Following recent Ofsted inspections, Keys Group has been awarded a further three Outstanding reports for their Ashbank, Adoquin and Topsgate Children’s Homes. All three residential homes received the highest possible Ofsted rating, recognising the outstanding service they provide to the young people they support.

Ashbank is one of Keys’ residential children’s homes, specialising in young people with attachment difficulties, who may have had multiple placements breakdown in the past.

Ofsted described Ashbank as having a warm and welcoming environment, with plenty of space for children to play. Bedrooms are all personalised, reflecting each young person’s hobbies and interests, consequently the young people are very proud of their home and want to spend time there.

The young people feel safe at Ashbank and trust the staff, commenting:

  • “The staff really care about us.”
  • “It’s safe here.”
  • “I like all the staff. I like to spend time with them.”
  • “The house is lovely now, particularly the play room.”

Educationally, the young people are also excelling, all achieving an impressive 100% attendance last year.

Young people are encouraged to pursue their own interests and are involved in a wide range of leisure activities, in addition to the swimming lessons they attend. Staff promote friendships with others their age, and friends will often visit them there for tea.

Adoquin is a Keys residential home for young people with learning disabilities. Like Ashbank, Adoquin received an Outstanding judgement in their latest Ofsted review, reporting that young people experience high quality care and nurturing relationships with staff who know and understand them well.

Staff were described as extremely attuned, responding to the individual needs of young people exceptionally well. This provides young people with safety and security and, as a result, they flourish.

Young people also have access to a wide range of leisure activities both in the home and local community, with staff having high aspirations for their future. One parent summarised her experience of Adoquin, saying her child was ‘happy, healthy and well cared for by the staff’.

Topsgate, another Keys residential home, supports young people with a variety of needs requiring specialist support. Rated Outstanding, young people at Topsgate have made significant progress in all areas of their life.

Engagement in education is excellent, where previously this had been a very difficult issue for many. One social worker commented ‘Before moving to this home, my young person’s engagement in education was hugely concerning. I am so pleased at the transformation.’

Contact with family members is encouraged wherever possible, and staff support the young people during these visits. The young people receive outstanding support in relation to their physical and emotional health needs, which is supported by a qualified therapist.

One young person who has now left the home reflected on his time there saying: “This home saved me. I cannot thank the manager and staff enough for what they did for me. I miss them and often phone to have a chat. They were so important to me and remain so.”

Ashbank, Adoquin and Topsgate are all part the Keys Group range of specialist residential homes, supporting children and young people with a wide range of complex needs. Please visit the residential services page to find out more. Should you want to make a referral please contact Keys Group on 03301340056 or