Mikeva Ltd. strengthens its position as a market leader in Central Finland by acquiring Hoivaan Hoivapalvelut Ltd’s operations from Pihtiputaa.

Mikeva’s growth continues through a new asset deal. Hoivaan Hoivapalvelu’s Nurmela Kodit is the tenth service home joining to Mikeva in 2016. This acquired service home with 16 customer beds operating in mental health rehabilitee sector has started its operations in 1998. Employees of Hoivaan Hoivapalvelut will continue with existing terms as so called old employees. The operation will be expanded in the summer of 2017 through a new unit being built next to the current unit.

Nationwide operating Mikeva’s market leader position strengthens even more in Central Finland region due to this asset deal. Operations will be developed in accordance with Mikeva’s MiePä-model and the existing practices will be compounded to meet the rehabilitee’s needs.

”Mikeva is number one in mental health rehabilitation and housing services. It’s obvious that we will strengthen our position nationwide in the future with acquisitions and growing organically. This acquired service home is our first in Pihtiputaa although we are market leader in the housing services in the area. This asset deal will gain Mikeva’s know-how even more.” comments Mikeva’s CEO Petri Pitkäranta.

”I believe that Mikeva’s nursing professionals with committed personnel of Nurmela-kodit will lead the development in the right direction and will guarantee the best possible care and service in the future” says Hoivaan Hoivapalvelut Chairman of the Board Martti Jokelainen. Mikeva has operations in 72 municipalities in 119 service homes across Finland. The total capacity of operations is close to 2800 customer beds and rehabilitation places.

For further information: Petri Pitkäranta, CEO, Mikeva Ltd., tel. 044 7800 600 Martti Jokelainen, Chairman of the Board, Hoivaan Hoivapalvelut Ltd., tel. 040 840 2300