Environmental Social & Governance
Building long-term value with the consideration of ESG factors in investment decisions.
Our Approach
G Square has developed its ESG strategy in accordance with the principles for responsible investment set out by the United Nations and ESG guidelines from industry association.
As investment managers, we are devoted to upholding responsible investment principles, going beyond mere compliance with regulations or superficial green efforts. At the portfolio level, our ESG team collaborate with management teams to devise appropriate KPIs. We have also fostered ESG leaders within our portfolio entities to liaise directly with G Square’s ESG team, ensuring timely communication of pertinent details and issues. We are dedicated to continuously refining our ESG strategy in line with prevailing industry benchmarks and upcoming ESG regulations.
Our Policy and Report
We have established a comprehensive Responsible Investment Policy that outlines our foundational principles and commitments. This ensures that we act as diligent custodians of our investors’ funds. Additionally, it emphasises the significance of intergrating responsible investment factors throughout our entire investment cycle.